Friday, February 11, 2011

Beer review, first attempt

I should have seen it coming, really...  I picked up a pick-6-pack from the local liquor store, from which i chose a Luna Sea (Empyrean Brewing Co.), a Blue Moon Winter Abbey Ale, a Guinness Draught, a Heineken, a Sam Adams Black Lager, and a Boulevard Irish Ale; and they were drank in that order (iirc).  To give a frame of reference, i started the evening with a Milwaukee's Best Light (that nobody else would drink).

Luna Sea:
My first reaction was, "Wow, this tastes a whole lot fucking better than that Beast Light!"  And, it did.  A lot.  This was probably my favorite beer of the evening, flavor-wise.  On the bottle's label, it says "Custom Brewed To Complement Food: Pair with grilled steak, salmon, BBQ or wild game and caramel desserts," and i had just finished a double-whopper, and i wish i hadn't washed it down with the Beast Light first, because that may have made it even better, but there's always next paycheck.

Blue Moon Winter Abbey Ale:
I like plain ol' Blue Moon, without the orange wedge, but maybe this one would have benefitted from one.  None of the seasonal Blue Moon brews seem to do it for me like the original does.

(Beast Light refresher.)

Guinness Draught:
Shoulda got regular Guinness.  The "rocket" effect just makes the thing too smooth, i think.  Then again, smooth can be a good thing; maybe if i put this one at the end of the list, the smoothness would've been more appreciable...

Starting to get drunk.  I'm not sure, because i always end up drinking Heineken when i'm already a little inebriated, but i could swear it tastes like weed...

(Beast Light refresher...  maybe this is a bad idea...)

Sam Adams Black Lager:
Too drunk to remember.

Boulevard Irish Ale:
Too drunk to remember.

So, in summation, i'm gonna try this again next Friday and see if i can stick to the plan.  :oP


  1. I like Sam Adams, Guinesss Draft is too tastless...

  2. Alexander Keiths here. I'm Canadian though

  3. haha, maybe you should sip a bit of each before finishing next time.

    i like tasteless beers the most. hops have that vegetable-y, wheaty taste that doesn't agree with me.

  4. Arrogant Bastard ale for me.

    Only problem is, I live in Michigan where it is made, the only place it is made, so it's sort of cheap for me

    if you live anywhere else, it's expensive as hell
